One of the main focuses of online marketing is driving traffic to websites in order to convert as many visitors as possible into customers. There are many different approaches that can be taken in order to drive traffic to sites, with two of the more popular tactics that are used being PPC (pay-per-click) advertising and SEO (search engine optimisation). What are these two tactics and how do they differ? Which might be the better option for you?
SEO is organic traffic. You’re not paying for advertising or anything in order to get traffic to your site (except maybe someone to handle your SEO for you). When people search for you, a link to your site will appear somewhere in the middle of the results page, depending on how well you rank based on your SEO. Paid PPC ads, however, will appear at the top of the page and along the side. Yes, SEO is technically free, but it takes a lot of effort and can be hard work. Competition for keywords can be high, and you have to have a really good, high-quality site and a good SEO plan in order to rank high in search results. But SEO factors in more than just a quality site and content, and keywords. It also takes into consideration, among other things, the traffic on your site – how they interact with you, if they come back, and if other sites are linking to yours. If you don’t really know much about how search engines work or don’t know much about SEO, it’s best to hire and SEO expert to do the work for you.
PPC ads, however, are paid advertising. You are paying per click, as the name implies, which means you will pay for each click on your ad. If the ad is popular enough, that could cost you a bit. But if it generates traffic, it could be worth it. One good point is that you can set a daily budget and not pay any more than that. You can also estimate the average cost of a click per targeted keyword. There are a lot of factors that can affect the cost of running a PPC ad. For example, the cost of a PPC ad run with can depend on things like keyword popularity, how many related sites have ad positions with a particular keyword, etc. Another thing you might not realise about PPC is that a campaign’s results can rely in part on your SEO efforts in areas such as page content, backlinking, titles, meta descriptions, etc. PPC also requires ongoing management like SEO; however, the costs of setup and managing the campaign can be less.
How do they compare in terms of traffic results? Which would be a better choice in that regard? Well, PPC can start bringing in traffic almost immediately once the campaign is set up and running. SEO is more of a long-term strategy and it can take months, sometimes, to start seeing results. However, if you can get the right keywords and rank high on results with your SEO, you can see a continuous flow of traffic coming in 24/7, and it also can bring you better quality traffic. Many people have even trained themselves to ignore “paid” results, and research tends to show that people who come to your site through an organic search will be more likely to trust you since a high-ranking suggests you are a credible source and an important industry player. But PPC is good if you have trouble ranking high for search results or are just starting out and need to get results fast. Also, you can see a good ROI from PPC if the campaign is done correctly. You can also use PPC to advertise on other sites that have good traffic that fits your target audience in order to get traffic from them as well as from search engines.
Both SEO and PPC have their benefits and costs. It’s up to you to decide which would fit your marketing needs better.
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