website marketing, website traffic, seo, mobile website, guest blogging, blogging, content marketing, social media marketing

Drive Traffic To Your Website –  For Free!

By: Kalynn Dresser   Date: May 25, 2016

Having a website is practically a must for business in today’s crowded and busy markets. They’re important for sharing what your business offers, providing the most current information about your business, and many times offering items for sale to website visitors. The trick, though, is getting traffic to your site in the first place. That’s where marketing can play a key role. But for many businesses, especially small businesses, marketing expenses can be a bit much. It would be nice if there were ways to drive traffic to your site for cheap or, even better, for free. Well, there are. Here are a few ways to get traffic to your site for free.

1. Optimizing to be search engine friendly

Optimizing your site for search engines is very important. You can pay someone to help you with your SEO, or you can use one or more of the free tools available to help you with it, like with your keyword research. Make sure your title, description head, and header HTML tags accurately convey what your site is about since search engine algorithms use them as keywords for categorizing your site and direct traffic.  Also, don’t just submit your site to the big-name search engines and directories. Submit to some of the lesser-known ones, as well, to increase your chances of being found. Having your site listed in as many places as possible can increase your rankings in major search engines.

2. Mobile

Make sure your website is mobile-friendly. Many people use their phones and tablets for internet searching and shopping, so you want to make sure your site will work well for them.

3. Guest post

If you have a blog or know others in your industry that will let you share a post on their site, do it. It’s a great way to not just get links back to your site but to increase traffic. Guest posts on trusted websites also tend to rank high, and this can generate a steady flow of traffic to your site.

4. Fresh content

Fresh and relevant content is important to keep the traffic flowing. Search engines are always looking for new content to index. Loyal visitors will come back to look for new content. Social media mentions of new content can generate traffic. So try to have a publishing schedule for content.

5. Social media

This is a great option for free marketing, as social media is growing more and more popular every day. But don’t go into it with out a plan. Some of the best sites to use are , , , StumbleUpon, , , and . You can find and follow customers and potential customers there, engage with them, share updates with them, and they can share your posts with their friends and followers as well. Make sure your website includes buttons so your visitors can find you on social media, and so they can share your posts and information.

6. Blog

This is a great way to also direct traffic to your site. Like with social media, you can share updates and information with your followers, and you can share your posts on social media. Your blog can also link back to your website, so your blog followers can easily find it. You can also network and interact with other bloggers, comment on their posts and such, which can help you be seen and so can the link to your site.

These a few ways to help generate traffic to your site for free. You can find some other ideas here, here, here and here.

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