How To Use Data & Analytics To Aggressively & Exponentially Grow Your Business

Growing your business is a must if you really want your business to succeed. If you don’t, you’ll remain stagnant and at potential risk of failure. There are many ways you grow your business, such as new ways of getting customers and diversification of products. Another way is the use of data and analytics to aggressively and exponentially grow your business. You’ve already heard of how important they are to keep your business on track, and you probably have already been gathering data and analytics in order to do that. As you sift through all that information, try some of these things so your business can grow, as well.


While going through all the data and analytics, look for opportunities that will let your business move up a level and make some changes based on the data. For example, try something like identifying times of the year when online sales jump, so you can take advantage of it, or go through sales and inventory data (if a brick-and-mortar store) to see when product demand is highest so you can prepare ahead of time.


If you see information that would be useful to your team be successful so your company can grow, give it to them. Allow them CRM access, use inventory management apps, or Dropbox to share files. Giving them access to useful information will allow them to do their jobs efficiently and allow for business growth.


Use data the create compelling visuals to help drive awareness of your company and products and boost your conversion rate. Just looking a raw information can be boring and hard to understand, but if you make it into an eye-pleasing graphic that’s easier to understand, you can get more results from it.

Google Analytics

If you’re keeping track of data and analytics for your company, you probably are using Google Analytics. If you’re not, you should be. It will provide you important and useful information in different areas, including audience, behaviour, conversions, and acquisition. You can study this information and look for ways to use it to help grow your business.

Task management

Use data and analytics to see how well your task management efforts are going, see what’s working and what might need to be improved so projects can be done more efficiently. There are different tools that can help with this.

Time management

Data and analytics for your time management can help you see just how you are spending your time and where you can improve so you are performing quicker and more efficiently. There are different tools that can help with this.


Use data and analytics to see different sales figures (there are different tools available to help with this) to figure out top sales representatives and opportunities, lead to customer conversion rates, and new customer acquisition. This information can help you see how things are going and what areas need improvement.


Use financial data and analytics from areas like business expenses, invoices, overall company revenue and your budgets. See where you can make adjustments to help your company grow.

These are just a few ideas. You can find more information , here, here, here, heere and here.

Stand out from the crowd and aggressively grow your business with Aggressive Growth Marketing. The Growth Marketing Agency that provides Growth Hacking Marketing, Social Media, Guest Blogging, Email Marketing and growth focused Digital Marketing Agency services. Call to discuss your needs today.

Business Lessons Learned From Bill Gates

“Learn from the best.” This is often what people are told when they want to do something and want advice about what they should do to succeed at it. This applies to many areas, and certainly to when starting a business. Entrepreneurs and other business owners can learn many useful lessons those who have gone before them, who have started their own businesses and succeeded. When you think of successful businessmen who one can learn from, there are many that come to mind, but certainly one of the first that comes to mind is the wildly successful founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates. What sort of business lessons can he offer?

Get lucky

Don’t scoff. There’s nothing wrong with getting lucky. Just don’t try to rely on it. Dumb luck can certainly be useful, though, so embrace it when you can and make the most of it. Bill Gates got lucky when his private middle school purchased computers and started a computer club, something not many schools did back then. If they hadn’t bought a computer, Bill Gates might never have developed a love of programming and gone on to start Microsoft.

Bite off more than you can chew

Bill Gates started Microsoft by promising a program to a company that he hadn’t developed yet. When they turned out to be interested in it, he had to quickly develop the program. After the sale, he was able to start Microsoft.  As Roy Litton says, “An entrepreneur tends to bite off a little more than he can chew hoping he’ll quickly learn how to chew it.” Bill Gates certainly did that, and it worked for him. It can work for you, too. Just don’t go around lying to potential clients like he did.

Take risks

According to Bill Gates, “Business is a money game with few rules and lots of risks.” Starting a business is basically a gamble. You don’t know if you’ll win or lose, but you can make plans and strategies to help you win. So don’t be afraid to take risks, or you’ll never get anywhere.

Patience is key

Bill Gates advises that “Patience is a key element of success.” Nothing comes easy, including success. It takes time and hard work to build something. There are no shortcuts to success.

Be proud of who you are

We are all unique and different. There will be people who are smarter than you, more talented than you, prettier than you, more successful than you. But that’s life. We are all individuals with our own unique qualities and abilities. So be proud and accepting of who you are and what you can offer, and you will be more confident in what you do. As Bill Gates says, “Don’t compare yourself with anyone in this world…If you do so, you are insulting yourself.”

Be positive and love learning

Bill Gates has certainly had his fair share of unhappy customers, but he never let the negativity get to him. He took what the said to heart and used it to improve his work. He considered it a learning experience. So take any negative feedback and criticism you get and don’t be discouraged; learn from your mistakes and use it to better yourself and your work. Bill Gates advises, “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.”

These are just a few of the many lessons Bill Gates can teach us. You can find more examples of his lessons here, here, here, and here.

Stand out from the crowd and aggressively grow your business with Aggressive Growth Marketing. The Growth Marketing Agency that provides Growth Hacking Marketing, Social Media, Guest Blogging, Email Marketing and growth focused Digital Marketing Agency services. Call to discuss your needs today.

How To Network Successfully

For business both big and small, getting the word out about the company to the world at large is a must in order for the business to succeed. This can be done in a variety of ways, including advertising and marketing, both in traditional ways and online. It can also be done with networking. Networking is very important for companies, because you are not only reaching out to new people to find customers, but you are reaching people with connections in your industry or a related industry, which can be very useful to advancing your company, either by being a customer or recommending you to someone, or even by helping your company to grow. But the key to networking is to do it correctly so that it is successful in helping you. Here are some ways to go about networking successfully.

1. Head start
Get a jump and start networking before you need it. It can’t hurt to make connections ahead of time. Also, networks who have been at it a while can tell when someone is desperate and will try to avoid them. Go into it with no ulterior motives, just wanting to network for networking’s sake, and you will be able to build sturdy relationships.

2. Plan
As with anything important, don’t go into it without a plan of some kind. Know what strengths, skills, etc. you will be able to offer others. Know what you will want to talk about and how you can help others.

3. No personal agenda
Leave any personal agenda you might have at home. Focus on a goal of being open, honest, and friendly and wanting to make connections with people who can help each other. Before you finish a conversation, be sure to ask if there is a way you can help and offer a business card. They may not have an answer right then, but they’ll remember your offer and reach out to you later.

4. Interest
Show a genuine interest. You will be naturally inclined to gravitate towards people in your same field of work. Take an interest in the people you meet and what they are saying. You will learn all sorts of tidbits, not only about what they need but also things that can help you.

5. Different
Don’t just gravitate to those in your field. Talk with those who may do things differently from you. You may not be useful to them at the moment, but they may need someone with your skills in the future or know someone who can use you.

6. Everyone’s important
Keep the thought in mind that everyone is important. Everyone has some value in them, and it’s your mission to find it. For example, someone who may have a minor job may have valuable connections.

7. Connect
Don’t just make connections between yourself and others. Learn what everyone has to offer, and if one person can help another in the room, introduce them to each other.

8. Follow up
If you promised to get in touch, do so and reiterate your offer of help. If you promised to introduce someone, do so.

9. Meetups
Networking can be done online easily enough, but it’s not enough. You need to go out to meet people, too. There are industry networking events and conferences all the time where you can meet people. Also, go to local meetups and events to find people, or host your own meetup.

10. Believe
Above all, believe. Be confident. Believe in yourself and what you can offer people. Also believe in the power of networking and how it can help people, and do your part. If you do, you will see it help you, too.

Stand out from the crowd and aggressively grow your business with Aggressive Growth Marketing. The Growth Marketing Agency that provides Growth Hacking Marketing, Social Media, Guest Blogging, Email Marketing and growth focused Digital Marketing Agency services. Call to discuss your needs today.

How To Organize Your Inbox

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It’s no surprise that email has become one of the main ways for people to communicate with each other. It’s easy to use and allows for attachments of photos and documents, and it’s sent and received instantly without having to wait for the postal service to send it. It also doesn’t require postage. The ease of email is also one reason that businesses use it to not only communicate with employees and business partners but to also keep in touch with customers through email marketing and newsletters. As great as email is, the onslaught of incoming mail can quickly fill up your inbox and make it hard to sort through it to find the important emails from the ones that aren’t so important or are spam. So how does a person, especially a business person, organize their inbox to better find the important messages from the rest?

How To Organize Your Inbox

This infographic was inspired by our popular blog post this past June.  Read it here.” Stand out from the crowd and aggressively grow your business with Aggressive Growth Marketing. The Growth Marketing Agency that provides Growth Hacking Marketing, Social Media, Guest Blogging, Email Marketing and growth focused Digital Marketing Agency services. Call to discuss your needs today.

How Disney Understood Its Target Market And Became Successful

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When you think of some of the most successful companies in the world, there are many that come to mind, but there is no doubt that among the top of the list would be the Walt Disney Company, having some of the most popular movies and TV shows as well as multiple theme parks. There have been many factors that have played into the success of Disney since Walt Disney started it. One factor, of course, was Walt’s ability, from the beginning, to convince people into buying into his visions. This skill of his translates into one of the company’s key factors to its success – understanding its target market.

Walt Disney was a smart man who understood who he was trying to reach with his films and his parks. A few of his quotes that illustrate this include: “Animation offers a medium of storytelling and visual entertainment which can bring pleasure and information to people of all ages everywhere in the world”; “You’re dead if you aim only for kids.  Adults are only kids grown up, anyway”; “We believed in our idea – a family park where parents and children could have fun together”; “Movies can and do have tremendous influence in shaping young lives in the realm of entertainment towards the ideals and objectives of normal adulthood.”

As these quotes illustrate, Disney aimed not only for children with his cartoons and movies but also adults who were still children at heart and could appreciate his films and learn from their stories. That has continued to be the driving force behind Disney – appeal to children and adults alike with family-friendly entertainment that both will enjoy. And they have had some great success with that.

Things began to lag for the company a bit after the turn of the millennium, however, as Pixar began to make strides. But rather than try to bolster the company from within, they decided to buy Pixar instead and followed that up a few years later by buying Marvel. These were some bold moves, but it shows some thought and is still in keeping with the idea of appealing to the young since Pixar is an animation studio and Marvel is a comic book company. The same can be said of their acquisition of LucasFilm.

One of Disney’s most recent successful animated movies was Frozen. Everyone is familiar with the Elsa and the song “Let It Go.” The success of the movie is an illustration of what has made Disney movies so popular from the beginning: strong female protagonists, great stories, and wonderful songs. All the ingredients needed to catch a young girl’s heart and a parent’s wallet. But with the movies Tangled and Brave, they realized you can’t just leave out the boys from the equation or you lose a good piece of the pie, and so marketing trailers for Frozen included the snowman Olaf with humorous lines and no music in an effort to appeal to boys. They also managed to use the songs and soundtrack from the Frozen movie to reach varying demographics in the market and made plans to expand on the movie with a Broadway play and an “On Ice” show.

With a recent hit like Frozen, and the acquisition of Pixar, Marvel, and LucasFilm, Disney has the staying power to reach out to both the young and young at heart for a long time to come with movies and shows certain to be box office hits.

Stand out from the crowd and aggressively grow your business with Aggressive Growth Marketing. The Growth Marketing Agency that provides Growth Hacking Marketing, Social Media, Guest Blogging, Email Marketing and growth focused Digital Marketing Agency services. Call to discuss your needs today.